The saying goes: “The best dreams happen when you’re awake.” One might even argue that the best dreams happen whilst travelling. And even though we are currently somewhat limited to travelling the globe, compared to before Covid-19, we, especially the youth, should not stop dreaming and planning – as it will hopefully not be long before we can once again experience all the worlds beyond our borders.
Your early twenties are a time to gain, learn, and experience. Whether you’re working in the job you always wanted, or volunteering in a backpackers in Peru, it really doesn’t matter. If you don’t let your guard down and let things flow, you won’t enjoy travelling. Some of the best memories are those where you are completely out of your element. Being a tourist and opening yourself up to all the things you don’t know about the world is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
It helps to have a loose idea of what your goal is for traveling, and to know what you want to do when you return from your travels. If you’re travelling to test out the work from home/flexi gig, invest in an online course. Want to teach online? Enroll in a TEFL course. Figure out what it will take and do it! If you want to travel for a month and come back and land an awesome job at a digital agency, make as many contacts as you can before you leave and beef up your resume while all of the awesome things you’ve accomplished are still fresh in your mind. Networking and meeting the right people before you set off will help them remember you that way after you’ve spent a stint backpacking through Asia.
It is truly incredible what happens when you cut off your luxuries and put a hold on the morning coffee purchases. When you have a job and a steady income, even if you’re trying to save, it’s so easy to cave to peer pressure and order takeout deliveries because you are too lazy to cook at home. Those habits suddenly become possible once you realize that the money saved will get you a cool spot near the beach in Mexico. Which leads me to my next point: you can travel affordably. Think about what you spend on your monthly rental and what you could be paying at a semi-decent spot in Belize for 30 days!
You may have more time and fewer obligations now than you will ever have…no children, maybe a partner, no monthly bond repayments etc. So why not take advantage of it and travel to your bucket list destinations, experience things you want to experience, because this is a time in your life when you can. Later on in life more demands professionally and personally will come, so enjoy these years and take advantage of the opportunity of traveling abroad. Why not put together a list of your top five bucket-list travel destination/experiences. What will it be? Teaching English in Thailand, doing a yoga retreat in Bali, a skin stint in Aspen, backpacking through Asia or trekking through the Andes?
As they say, time is invaluable, It is the one thing you can never get back. Covid has given perspective and helped us to re-evaluate what is important. When you take the time to step out of your comfort zone you get to meet new people, learn new languages, taste new cuisine, and explore new places. You will get a chance to hear stories and see yourself through a different perspective.
Pentravel has partnered with a company who specialise in work abroad opportunities for young travellers looking to try something new and explore. Finding the right option is all about deciding what what you want to do and where you want to go. With opportunities like teaching, working & au pairing abroad…its time to start turning that dream into a reality.
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