
Level 2 Travel – Time to Pack Your Bags!

21 December 2021

Did someone say, ‘Flight Number *that’s me* is now boarding’? Yes, that’s right – Level 2 inter-provincial travel is now on the cards for all of us! So, whether you’re travelling for business or leisure you can hop on a plane or buckle up for a self-drive and head across our provincial borders. 

Do remember though, there are still some stringent Level 2 travel restrictions to adhere to: make sure you wear masks that cover your mouth and nose whenever you’re in a public space, always use sanitizer and make sure you’re practicing your social distance. 

Level 2 Travel: Self-Drive

If all you’ve longed to do since March is take a nice slow drive down to the coast for a beach getaway or into the lowveld for a local bush break, then make sure you’re prepped and ready to go! 

  • Pack extra face masks for all travellers 
  • Stock up on sanitizer for your car and handbags  
  • Avoid crowded spaces for on-the-way stops; rather pop into a roadside padstal and support local! 
  • Sanitize your hands before climbing back into the car when making a stop

 Level 2 Travel – Time to Pack Your Bags!

Level 2 Travel: Self-Catering

Self-catering is a great option right now; you’ll have the place to yourself with minimal contact with other people, ensuring a safe and happy holiday! But make sure that your self-catering spot is up to speed with their health and safety protocols and try check-in remotely if you can. Some extra tips? 

  • Ask for detailed information on the cleaning procedures your self-catering spot has in place 
  • Make sure it also stocks the required cleaning equipment and sanitizer 
  • Head off and enjoy your holiday! 

 Level 2 Travel – Time to Pack Your Bags!

Level 2 Travel: Flying

The thrill of getting ready to board, buckling up your seat-belt and listening to the wind whooshing outside your window as the plane gets ready for take-off is always so exciting! The good news is that flying is now one of the most stringently regulated Level 2 travel options, ensuring your health and safety.  

Remember however, only those travelling with valid airline tickets may enter the terminal building – so keep your family goodbyes limited to the drop-off! Here are a few more tips: 

  • All passengers are required to complete the Health Declaration form for travelling within South Africa 
  • We recommend you do this and print out a copy before arriving at the airport, as this will save time 
  • Make sure you adhere to sanitizing protocols and social distancing when in the airport building 

 Level 2 Travel – Time to Pack Your Bags!

Find out more about safe flying as travel restrictions are eased. 

What are you waiting for? With Level 2 Lockdown in place and travel open to all, now’s the time to book your next trip. Get in touch with Pentravel today by booking a virtual appointment with one of our consultants, or enquire now. 

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