
Why you need to do Contiki before adulting hits you hard

20 March 2024

Work, bills, responsibilities… when adulting hits, it’ll hit you hard. Between paying off your car, your home loan or even your credit card, plus meeting all your work deadlines and dealing with life admin – not to mention keeping your relationships and social life going strong – there’s very little room (or money) left for travel.

And we mean real travel. The kind of trip that isn’t about escaping life, but sees you throwing yourself headfirst into new destinations, cultures and experiences – all of it, all at once. The kind of travel that you need to do while you’re young. The sort of journey that you get to experience when you go on a Contiki trip.

So, before you’re doing debt and tax, and school runs do Contiki. Here’s why:

Life is short.

Yeah, this is what old people say. But the only reason why they keep harping on about how quickly the time goes is that it’s true. Time flies. Don’t wait to travel. Pack your bags and go, now. As the original travel company for 18-35 year-olds, Contiki has you covered. You’ll see the showstoppers plus get the inside track in every destination you visit.  

Every day is a school day.

By experiencing new places and engaging with new cultures, you’re learning things about the world, and about yourself, without even realising it. You might discover just how grateful you are for all that you have, or become more environmentally or socially aware. Travelling with a company like Contiki means that you’ll be travelling sustainably, taking only memories and leaving only your footprints behind.

You’ll make friends.

If there’s one reason to do Contiki, it’s the people you meet. You’ll make friends from all corners of the world and create unforgettable memories together, bonding you for years to come. And if you’re not sure whether you’ll fit in, Contiki has 8 different types of trip “personalities” from which to choose, meaning you’ll travel with like-minded peeps.

You’ll learn how to save your money.

Travelling means you’re investing in experiences rather than things, and learning how to squirrel away some money every month to put towards a trip will benefit you in the long run. Saving money is a marathon, not a sprint. By focussing on your goal, you’re not giving in to instant gratification.

You’ll find yourself.

To travel is essentially embarking on a journey of self-discovery. You’ll meet inspiring people who will change your outlook on the world, and you’ll open your mind to new possibilities. Maybe you’ll even figure out what to do with your life.

Are you brave enough to find out how travel will change you? Get in touch with us today about travelling with no regrets on a Contiki trip.

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