Subject to availability and rate of exchange changes. Offers above are a guide only and will vary depending on departure date, our guide price is based on the cheapest departure within the stipulated season and availability is correct at time of loading. Visas may be necessary and insurance is essential. Pentravel and Tour Operator terms and conditions apply, and may be found on our website. Offer can be removed at any time. Advance purchase, peak season surcharges, block out periods and minimum stay conditions may apply. Valid for SADC Residents & Midweek stays only (Sunday - Thursday). A supplement of R270 per person per night applies for weekend stays. Block out dates apply 22 December 2023 - 02 January 2024, 28 March - 01 April 2024 & over the Nedbank Golf Challenge. Valley of the Waves will be closed 13 May - 21 June 2024 for annual maintenance. These packages are based on CASH price. E&OE.